Titre original :

Croyances et représentations des médecins généralistes sur leur installation en libéral

Mots-clés en français :
  • Structure administrative
  • installation
  • CDOM
  • CPAM
  • activité financière
  • médecine générale
  • taxes institutionnelles
  • assurance privée
  • rassurer
  • ressenti
  • satisfait
  • comprendre

  • Médecine -- Pratique
  • Procédure administrative
  • Médecins généralistes
  • Gestion de cabinet médical
  • Langue : Français
  • Discipline : Médecine générale
  • Identifiant : 2017LIL2M215
  • Type de thèse : Doctorat de médecine
  • Date de soutenance : 15/06/2017

Résumé en langue originale


Résumé traduit

Introduction : At the opening of doctor's office, general practitioner (GP) are confronted with the administrative procedures. Most of studies, with intern or locum, said that administrative procedures put a brake at the opening of young GP. However, no studies talk about GP's feeling of admnistrative procedures at their opening. The purpose of this work was to put in the spotlight difficult with administrative procedures, or not, when GP are opening their doctor's office. Materials & Methods: Comprehensive interviews were conducted in this qualitative study with analysis using the technique of grounded in theory. There were eleven interviews of young general practitioners with a high variance: age, sex, place of practice, type of exercise: alone or in a group, mode of practice: rural or urban. This study was conducted in Nord-Pas-de-Calais between November 1, 2016 and March 9, 2017. The median time of the interviews was 27.5 minutes. Results: This study found a central category which six secondary categories are articulated. The central category was "well done", with the following ideas: finding help, feeling concerned, feeling satisfied, feeling reassured during the installation experience, organizing administrative time, Have some apprehension before installation. Conclusion: During the installation experiment the young doctors installed describe a good installation. The lack of knowledge probably give apprehension about the administrative procedures. Administrative procedures are described as "time-consuming". However, they know how to look for, to be surround themselves and be helped to achieve a good installation. In the end, they are satisfied and reassured on their installation.

  • Directeur(s) de thèse : Tilly, Anita


  • Decrequy, Arthur
Droits d'auteur : Ce document est protégé en vertu du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle.
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