Recherche de biomarqueurs circulants du remodelage ventriculaire gauche en post-infarctus du myocarde
Circulating biomarkers of left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction
- Analyse protéomique différentielle
- Infarctus du myocarde
- Marqueurs biologiques
- Protéomique
- Infarctus du myocarde
- Remodelage ventriculaire
- Marqueurs biologiques
- Protéomique
- Langue : Français
- Discipline : Cardiologie
- Identifiant : 2012LIL2S025
- Type de thèse : Doctorat
- Date de soutenance : 25/10/2012
Résumé en langue originale
Le remodelage ventriculaire gauche (VG) en post-infarctus du myocarde (IDM) est associé à une augmentation du risque d’insuffisance cardiaque et de décès, mais il demeure difficile à prédire en pratique clinique.L’objectif principal de ma thèse était la recherche de biomarqueurs circulants du remodelage VG par l’approche protéine candidate et par protéomique différentielle dans la population REVE-2.Par l’approche protéine candidate, nous avons confirmé que le peptide natriurétique detype B (BNP) était un puissant facteur prédictif du remodelage VG en post-IDM. La métalloprotéase matricielle-8 (MMP-8), la MMP-9, l’hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), la Créactive protéine (CRP), la troponine I ont également fait la preuve de leur association.Par l’approche protéomique différentielle, en électrophorèse 2D différentielle en fluorescence (2D-DIGE), la clusterine a été identifiée comme biomarqueur potentiel,positivement associée au remodelage VG, nécessitant toutefois des travaux de confirmation.Par SELDI TOF MS, nous avons sélectionné 26 pics définis par leur rapport m/z, commebiomarqueurs potentiels du remodelage VG, dont 12 ont pu être identifiés et devrontdésormais être validés : le pic de m/z 2777 a été identifié comme le peptide N-terminal issu del’albumine après clivage par la pepsine. Les autres pics correspondraient à des fragments protéolytiques de protéines que sont le fibrinogène, le complément C3, C4 et C1q.La découverte de nouveaux biomarqueurs du remodelage VG devrait permettre d’améliorer la stratification du risque en post-IDM afin d’identifier les patients devant bénéficier d’un suivi plus rapproché et peut-être d’une prise en charge thérapeutique plus agressive
Résumé traduit
Left ventricular (LV) remodelling after myocardial infarction (MI) indicates a high risk of heart failure and death but remains difficult to predict in clinical practice. Biomarkers may help to refine risk stratification. The main purpose was to find circulating biomarkers of LV remodelling after MI, using two strategies : candidate protein approach and differential proteomic approach, working on a population with a clearly defined phenotype, the REVE-2 study, a prospective multicenter study including 246 patients with a first anterior Q-wave MI. Blood samples were obtained at hospital discharge, at 1 month, 3 months and 1 year. An echocardiography was performed at the same time except for the 1st month to assess LVR.By candidate protein approach, we confirmed that B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) was a powerful predictor of LV remodelling after MI. Additional biomarkers, such as matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), MMP-9, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), C-reactive protein (CRP) and cardiac troponin I were found to be associated with LV remodelling, highlighting several pathways implicated in pathophysiology of LV remodelling. We have also shown that biomarkers in association (BNP and cardiac troponin I, BNP and MMP-8, BNP and MMP-9) could improve risk stratification in post-MI by selecting groups of patients at higher risk.As the ideal biomarker was still not identified, we applied a differential proteomic approach, with no a priori hypothesis, in order to characterize proteomic signature of LV remodelling. The use of a protein enrichment kit, consisting of a library of combinatorial hexapeptide ligands, compressed the protein concentration range of plasma and serum, through the simultaneous onestep dilution of high-abundance and concentration of lowabundance proteins. Protein enrichment kit prior to two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis or SELDI TOF MS (surface-enhanced laser desorption–ionization time of flight) analysis enabled the detection of proteins that were not detected in native blood sample and the accessibility to proteolytic fragments obtained from major proteins. Clusterin (apolipoprotein J) was identified as a potential biomarker of LV remodelling by 2D-DIfferential Gel Electrophoresis (2D-DIGE). Clusterin was quantified by Western blot and ELISA and was found to be positively associated with LV remodelling. However, this association was not found with all LV remodelling parameters nor at each time during the year following MI, requiring further analysis. Differential proteomic approach by SELDI TOF MS selected 26 m/z peaks, as potential biomarkers of LV remodelling. Of them, 12 were identified by mass spectrometry. The 2777 m/z peak was identified directly from the ProteinChip array as being the N-terminal peptide (24–48 aa) generated from albumin by pepsin cleavage. Other peaks were identified after purification using chromatographic columns or liquid-phase isoelectric focusing : most of them were found to be proteolytic fragments of proteins like fibrinogen, C3, C4 and C1q complement. Identifications have now to be validated with specific techniques, usually by immmunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis.Finding new biomarkers of LV remodelling could help refine risk stratification and identify patients in whom more aggressive therapy and/or more frequent follow-up could be needed.
- Directeur(s) de thèse : Bauters, Christophe
- École doctorale : École graduée Biologie-Santé (Lille ; 2000-....)
- Fertin, Marie